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发表于 2019-12-1 11:09:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
<p>英文作文代写一:The Habit of littering(613字)If everyone in the world threw garbage and litter indiscriminately wherever they went, the world as we knew it would 北京看白癜风疗效好医院soon be in y do people litter? Quite frankly, the main reason is simple tter in our surroundings is an important environmental issue, which many people overlook. While a majority of people do know that littering is a bad thing, many continue to carelessly scatter their trash around nonetheless. Litt寒假白癜风要注意er makes an area look bad. When a large amount of litter can be found in a particular area, it reflects badly on the people who live en we dispose of our garbage properly, instead of polluting our environment, it does more than help our locale to look good - weall feel better about it as well.英文作文代写二:论批评(440字)Dear TomI am so glad to write to you for discussing how to usenetwork correctly. My parentsalwaysfigure that there islots of unhealthy information on internet, andit's waste time to paly game online. However, in my opinion, network can help me to get more information and make communication more convenient, moreover, I can study by it. I have to admit there are many defect on network, so we shouldget away to use it, involve restrain curiocity to resist bad information and confine the time of net play. How do you think?Liming英文作文代写三:代写英语作文(416字)Dear Zhen, How are you? Don't you know that I miss you every night? Since the fall when you leave my world, I really regreted it ... ... I think you must be very annoying me, in fact, I hate myself. after the matter, I determined not to write. Writing is a devil! I hate it! This is the way my apology to you ! I should not hurt your heart and feelings. But now, you h白癜风怎么会得ave left me, I do not know whether you still angry with me. I can not find you, I would like to say to you: I am sorry, please forgive me, please forgive me.</p>

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